Darren has a beautiful singing voice and a less-than-beautiful past. But he's an inspiration to prisoners everywhere.

Over the past year, I've been spending some time with some people who are either guests, or former guests, of UK prisons. Whilst I would never condone crime - particularly violent crime - I have started to learn to sometimes see beneath the surface. Having met some pretty remarkable people on both sides of the bars, I've started to understand just how hard it is for a large number of people to find a place in society that doesn't involve crime. Darren is the first participant in a new project called About Time, which aims to give a voice to people who don't often get heard. Interestingly, nobody I've met absolves their own responsibility or throws up excuses (no matter how justified they may be). And most who have found a path to a new life are full of gratitude to those who give them at least some benefit of doubt. Offending and re-offending is a huge issue. And the cost of living crisis will only make it worse. It's 'about time' we addressed this properly.

Directed, edited and photographed by Malcolm Green.
Sound recordist: Graham Tobias